Sunday, April 28, 2013

Safety and Beauty with Skincare Products

Skincare products
Image courtesy of

It is in our DNA to actually care about our skin wherein the skincare and cosmetics are part of our lifestyle. In essence, there is a huge chance that we are going to protect ourselves from the harmful effect of the well-known ultra-violet rays, extremes climate and wind. There are many people also that can’t live without the use of lipsticks, skin creams, mascara or even foundations since it gives them the youthful and flawless appearance they want.

There are many products that comes from the synthetic iron oxide such as the red pigments from the modern blushes, lipstick and skin tone creams. Most of these synthetic colors come with amounts arsenic and lead. Therefore, they are harmful due to the make-up and skin care products worn to the lips and swallowed by the person when eating or drinking.

There are also lip glosses that are creating shine due to the petroleum jelly contents from refined oil that is ultimately ingested. According to the studies of the professionals and experts in this type of industries, they concluded that women are taking about 3 kilograms of lip gloss for over 10 years. This is one of the many reasons why European Union prohibits these kinds of products that are related to the petroleum jelly especially those skin care.